
BC Bestsellers

For the week ending April 13, 2024

Our weekly BC Bestseller list highlights the titles of independent, BC-owned publishers sold in independent BC bookstores.

  1. Always On Call: Adventures in Nursing, Ranching, and Rural Living
    by Marion McKinnon Crook
  2. Backpacking on Vancouver Island: The Essential Guide to the Best Multi-Day Trips and Day Hikes
    by Taryn Eyton
  3. Unbroken: My Fight for Survival, Hope, and Justice for Indigenous Women and Girls
    by Angela Sterritt
  4. Beneath the Surface of Things: New and Selected Essays
    by Wade Davis
  5. The Wild Horses of the Chilcotin: Their History and Future
    by Wayne McCrory
  6. Wisdom From The Hidden Life of Trees
    by Peter Wohlleben
  7. A Flock of Gulls, a Chorus of Frogs
    by by Lucky Budd, illustrated by Roy Henry Vickers
  8. Grizzly Bear Science and the Art of a Wilderness Life: Forty Years of Research in the Flathead Valley
    by Bruce McLellan
  9. To Track a Traitor: A Lane Winslow Mystery
    by Iona Whishaw
  10. Crushed Wild Mint
    by Jess Housty
  11. Ocean Drive
    by Sam Wiebe
  12. Hot Springs of Western Canada: A Complete Guide, 4th Edition
    by David Woodsworth, Glenn Woodsworth
  13. Commune
    by Des Kennedy
  14. A Kid’s Guide to Plants of the Pacific Northwest: with Cool Facts, Activities and Recipes
    by Philippa Joly
  15. The Secret Pocket
    by Peggy Janicki, illustrated by Carrielynn Victor