
BC Bestsellers

For the week ending April 20, 2024

Our weekly BC Bestseller list highlights the titles of independent, BC-owned publishers sold in independent BC bookstores.

  1. Lightning Strikes the Silence
    by Iona Whishaw
  2. Always On Call: Adventures in Nursing, Ranching, and Rural Living
    by Marion McKinnon Crook
  3. Backpacking on Vancouver Island: The Essential Guide to the Best Multi-Day Trips and Day Hikes
    by Taryn Eyton
  4. Beneath the Surface of Things: New and Selected Essays
    by Wade Davis
  5. Unbroken: My Fight for Survival, Hope, and Justice for Indigenous Women and Girls
    by Angela Sterritt
  6. A Flock of Gulls, a Chorus of Frogs
    by by Lucky Budd, illustrated by Roy Henry Vickers
  7. Ocean Drive
    by Sam Wiebe
  8. Crushed Wild Mint
    by Jess Housty
  9. The Wild Horses of the Chilcotin: Their History and Future
    by Wayne McCrory
  10. Points of Interest: In Search of the Places, People, and Stories of BC
    by David Beers & andrea bennett
  11. Apocalypse Child: Surviving Doomsday and the Search for Identity at the End of the World
    by Carly Butler
  12. Grizzly Bear Science and the Art of a Wilderness Life: Forty Years of Research in the Flathead Valley
    by Bruce McLellan
  13. Wisdom From The Hidden Life of Trees
    by Peter Wohlleben
  14. Escape to Clayoquot Sound Finding Home in a Wild Place
    by John Dowd & Bea Dowd
  15. To Track a Traitor: A Lane Winslow Mystery
    by Iona Whishaw